Polish Version

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Country Statistics

Polish Traditions and Customs

Kings and Queens

Nobel Prize Winners

Famous Polish People

Polish Food

Main Airports




Country Statistics                                                                                                                          

Population         -   38,341,000

Land Area          -  312,680sq km (120,726 sq miles)

Religion             -  Roman Catholic 94%  Orthodox 2%

Currency            -  Zloty....1 zl = 100 groszy

Flag                   - 

Emblem             -  White Eagle with a crown  

Language           -  Polish

Ethnic Groups    -  Polish 98%  Ukranian

Capital               -  Warszawa (pop. 1,655,000) 

Main Cities         -  Gdansk, Kraków, Poznan, Lódz, Lublin, Bialstok, Katowice, Opole, Szczecin,

                            Gdynia, Wroclaw

Government        -  Coalitian

Main Exports      -  Coal, Steel, Chemicals, Aluminium, Machinery, Food

Border Countries -  (Clockwise) CIS, Lithuania, Ukraine, Slowakia, Czech, Germany

Regions              - Coastline (Baltic in the North), Lake District (NE),  Sudetan Mountains (SW)

                            Karpathian Mountains(S), Ancient Forests (Puszcz) (E)

Polish Traditions and Customs                                                                                                      

Mushroom Season  (August/September)

Christmas Eve 



Kings and Queens                                                                                                                         

Nobel Prize Winners                                                                                                                     

Polish-origin  Nobel Prize  Laureates 

Year   PERSON Discipline 
1903   Maria SKLODOWSKA-CURIE Physics 
1905   Henryk SIENKIEWICZ Literature 
1907   Albert Abraham MICHELSON Physics 
1911   Maria SKLODOWSKA-CURIE Chemistry 
1920   Walther Hermann NERNST Chemistry 
1924   Wladyslaw Stanislaw REYMONT Literature 
1950   Tadeus REICHSTEIN Physiology or Medicine 
1963   Maria GOEPPERT-MAYER Physics 
1977   Andrew V. SCHALLY Physiology or Medicine 
1978   Isaac Bashevis SINGER Literature 
1978   Menachem BEGIN Peace 
1980   Czeslaw MILOSZ Literature 
1981   Roald HOFFMANN Chemistry 
1983   Lech WALESA Peace 
1985   Klaus von KLITZING Physics 
1992   Georges CHARPAK Physics 
1994   Shimon PERES Peace                                     visit :  www.nobelprizes.com  to find out more.

Famous Polish People                                                                                                                  

Nicolaus Kopernicus  - Astronomer

Chopin                      - Pianist and composer

Marie Curie               - Radiologist (maiden name Maria Sklodowska - pronounced Skwodovska)

Joseph Conrad          - Author of many seafaring books

Kantor                     -  Theatre

Witkcacy                 -  Painter

Gombrowicz             -  Writer

Polish Food                                                                                                                                    Barszcz   (Barshche)     - Beetroot Soup.

Bigos       (Beegoss)      - Cabbage with mixed meat dish.

Golabki    (Gowompkee) - Rice and pork wrapped in cabbage leaf.

Kompot    (commpott)    - Drink made from boiled fruit with sugar and spices added.

Cernik      (Sairneek)      - Cheesecake made from real cheese

Main Airports                                                                                                                                 



